Saturday, September 3, 2022

Neighborhood Grandparents

    When I was five years old and my brother was two my dad was stationed in Korea for a year. My Uncle got shipped to Vietnam, My mom's parents owned a couple of acres of land. Everyone decided a good solution to the issue of helping both families was to put two trailers behind my grandparent's house. My mom, brother, and I were in one. My aunt and two cousins were in the other.

  It was wonderful for us kids. My grandfather had retired early for health reasons. He watched over us kids and we had a great time. We ran around all day playing in the dirt and enjoying having playmates. My grandfather usually wore overalls and an old straw hat. He always traveled with his collie dog, Mighty (pronounced Mawghty). Grandpa took us to the old, country store for ice cream. Many days he loaded all of us, and our friends, into a wagon hooked onto his tractor. He gave us so many good memories. He'd gather up piles of leaves and let us jump in the pile over and over. Our friend's parents knew their kids were always safe at our place. We all considered each other family.

   I have many memories of crawling around under the house trying to catch frogs for my cousin. D was one of my bestfriends. He loved all sorts of critters. He talked his mom into getting him guinea pigs, even though she was terrified of them. If they got loose she would call my grandpa to come to find them and put them back in the cage. 

   My grandpa would take us to school, pick us up, watch my baby brother, and do everything he could to make us happy. Grandpa would take all four kids and Mighty to the barbershop when he needed a haircut. I remember several times he'd pick up a hitchhiker. Grandpa was a kind man and helped out anyone that needed it.

    Several times when I was in high school I would see my Grandpa's old Rambler parked outside. I'd wonder what in the world is he doing here. He would be there to pick up one of our friends because they were sick. Or he'd be bringing them a change of clothes or homework they forgot. The friends knew all they had to do was call and he would be there in a flash.

   One summer I had to attend summer school. My cousin and brother also had to attend summer school. It was at separate schools. My grandpas would pick us up, take us to school, pick us up and drop us at our homes. The entire ride we were terrified because his driving had become erratic. Many days he would take us for lunch at Krystal's or Nu-way. These are still two of my favorite places to eat. 

  Every Saturday the family would gather for lunch. Most of the time my grandmother cooked. But, every few weeks she would get Barbeque and Brunswick Stew from the best BBQ place in the world, White Diamond Grill in Bonaire, Georgia. Even though it has been at least fifteen years since I ate food from White Diamond I can still taste it.

  This has mostly been about my grandpa. There is just so much to say about my grandma that her story will have to wait for another time. The time I spent with my grandparents was wonderful. I am so lucky that they were in my life. I can only hope that my grandchildren will remember me as fondly. 

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