Saturday, September 3, 2022

My dad and the rabbit hole

My Dad and his theories

Hey Everyone! I'm going to talk about my dad and some of his theories. My dad is one of the smartest people I have ever met. If he’d had a good support system and been able to attend college I can't imagine how much he could have accomplished. I respect my dad more than just about anyone. He has a deep sense of honor. If he tells you that he will help you with something nothing will stop him from honoring that commitment, even if it causes trouble for him.

My dad was born into extreme poverty. One of his early memories is of his heavily pregnant mother working in the fields while his father sat in the car eating a candy bar and drinking a Coke. My dad and his sisters went to live with their Uncle and Aunt when their mom died. My dad was ten years old. My grandmother died because she lived in pre-Roe Vs Wade times. My father said before they lived with his Uncle and Aunt that he was always hungry and was never warm. A relative had to take him and his sisters to buy shoes for their mom’s funeral.

Dad joined the military as soon as he graduated from high school. He met and married my mom a few years later.

Jumping ahead about 20 years. As a young adult, I was in several Book of the Month Clubs. Every few weeks they sent out brochures with their recommendations. In 1987 I saw something that looked intriguing. A book by an author I followed. Whitley Strieber. This was a “non-fiction” book about his encounters with aliens. woo.

Little did I know that this would lead to a 15-20 year deep dive into every alien/shadow government theory for my dad. He was dealing with a lot. My mom was descending into extreme mental illness. She did not respond well to treatment. After Mom died my dad said it was like tap dancing on the edge of a razor blade for 30 years. He got very little sleep and still had to work to provide for them. So, he was not in the best place mentally. He needed something interesting to help him escape what was happening at home.

I read Communion and it blew me away. I gave it to my dad. We always shared interesting books. It took hold of him. We read everything we could find about alien encounters, abductions, etc. And there was a lot. Communion seemed to set off a chain reaction. Books, movies, and pop culture were obsessed with these alien abduction stories.

Dad was obsessed. We read Ed Walters's book The Gulf Breeze Sightings. Dad began listening to Chuck Harder’s webcasts. Chuck had just about every UFOologist, and conspiracy theorist on his show. If someone saw a strange light behind their Granny’s house after drinking moonshine they were probably on the show. Dad was introduced to theories on ancient astronauts, the Shadow Government, and the New World Order. He heard tales about governments across the world colluding with aliens to harvest and enslave humans, the Clinton conspiracies, and theories about The Royal Family. Every day Dad checked The Rense Report and The Drudge Report. Every link had to be clicked. Dad introduced all these stories to coworkers and friends.

After mom died and Dad’s every breathing moment was consumed by caring for her, Dad’s belief in the conspiracy theories/ alien abduction stories died down. They are still interesting. But, Dad realizes most of the theories are absurd.

Of course, Dad still doubts the existence of the World Trade Center. He has been to New York a few times and has never seen the Twin Towers. Of course, it was foggy or very rainy on those days. But, still. Dad still believes in Gaia, the Earth Mother, nurturer, the Soul of the Earth. He still believes in all the Clinton Conspiracies. But, mostly he likes reading about Big Foot, ghosts, cryptozoology, etc for escapist entertainment. I think this stuff is interesting. But, I don't really believe in any of it. But……..the Shadow Government theory. Hmmm. There may be something to that. But, maybe not.

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